Start here to help your community build resilience in a changing climate

Culture and subsistence

Coasts and inland

A different ocean

Disappearing ice


Start the conversation

Assess vulnerability

Monitor and evaluate

Reduce your risk

Adaptation examples

Case Studies: Learn how
others have adapted

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education, training,
and other resources

"For us, it’s like someone moved the subsistence calendar by a month and nobody told us. We wonder what it must be like for the animals, plants and fish."

— Kotzebue resident —

“We have to relocate by choice, rather than being forced to by evacuation. By choice, we could still retain our identity, as a culture, as a community. But unless we’re willing to do it ourselves, it’s not going to happen.”

—  Nora Kuzuguk, Shishmaref —

“Ocean warming may well turn out to be the greatest hidden challenge of our generation.”

— Explaining Ocean Warming, ICUN 2016 —

“Glaciers, lakes, rivers, wetlands, and permafrost—they’re all interconnected.”

— King Salmon resident —

"Our villages are being hit by a climate change quadruple whammy."

— Nome resident and workshop participant —

“Sea level rise and coastal inundation—we need the data!”

— Theme from a resilience workshop —